Sunday 22 September 2013

Out and About: The Forgotten Photos of Seoul Zoo

Its still raining in Perth... So time to go through my memory cards and re-visit some memories. 

About 5 months ago now?  Ah ~ in some ways it feels like yesterday, and in some ways it feels like years ago...  But hopefully this time next year I'll be visiting these furry and feathered friends again!

Going in for a dip - I would freak out if I saw this thing out swimming


Baby Leopard ~

Definitely one of my favourites

Lazy otter

Lazy wolf

Afternoon streeeeeeeeetch

I love orchids - my favourite flower.  Seoul Zoo had a whole greenhouse full of them - so beautiful!

꼬맹이 넘 귀엽다!!

Such beautiful flowers... why don't mine grow that way?  

In Korea, kangaroos have a diet including... sweet potato!  In Perth... you're not allowed to feed them

The trip to the actual zoo is far... and it takes a looooong time to walk around.  But totally worth it

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