Sunday 4 May 2014

Collection: CLIO Haul!!!

The long awaited Korean haulage begins!!!  Yay!!!  My mother arrived safely this morning, on time!  Although she took some time through customs because she brought back dried squid 오징어 - so yummy.  And this really amazing tea from Japan that my cousin bought - when you place it in the hot water, it sort of explodes into a flower.  I'll try and film it when we make them.  Its great to have her back.  But we really both want to go back.  Soon.  The photos are making me soooooo homesick!

I thought I'd start with Clio - a brand that is definitely one of my favourites, but doesn't seem to feature much on Youtubers videos.  I guess it can be harder to access than your run-of-the-mill road shop brands, but its not impossible!  There are online stores that carry Clio, and its little sister Peripera, so I highly recommend checking it out!  Their main target is a young woman around her mid-twenties, but of course, any one can use the brand.  However, as they are aiming at a slightly more mature market, the prices are slightly higher.  This being said, I still believe the prices are quite reasonable, especially after living in Australia.  You are definitely getting a quality product here.

I decided to stick with basics here - eyeliners and lipsticks.  I did want to try one of their foundations, but I thought it would be better to wait until the end of the year and have a look at the colours on offer.  Also, I think I have enough as it is.  Besides, we all know that eyeliners and lipsticks (lip products in general) are the things that hold a special place in my heart.  Let's get into it!

Lips galore!  So - here we have 2 of the Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip sticks and some of the Lipnicures - which I have been wanting to try ever since they've come out.  I'm so excited to have these little friends and try them out!

In there unpackaged glory.  Aren't they just adorable?  The Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip usually comes in the black tubes, however I think the white tubes are for the new 2014 S/S colours.  

Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip - on the left, we have 18 Keep Calm and Pink.  On the right, 7 Happening.  I first tried these last year, and I quite like the formula - and there's great pigmentation with this line.  Actually, a lot of the Clio line have amazing pigmentation and lasting power.

And the swatches - aren't they just so pretty?  A really cute pink and a beautiful coral.  I think they are the perfect colours for Spring and Summer... although we are now well on our way to autumn now.  Well.  Still beautiful colours, and if you're in the northern hemisphere, you might be interested in checking these out!  I will still use these, but probably on more sunny days.

The Clio Lipnicures are supposed to be a 'manicure for your lips'.  Its basically a liquid lipstick that dries matte and will not budge.  I tried with the swatches, and it took quite a bit of massaging with a cleansing oil to remove them.  I'm really excited to start giving these guys a test run.  I do think I will need a good lip balm prior to slapping these on, but hopefully they shouldn't be too drying.  For those who prefer a bit of shine, that's what the top coat is for!  A clear gloss to layer over the matte colours, but I guess you could use any clear gloss really.  I got this because there was a deal to get them together.  I think Etude House has come out with a similar concept, and its a bit more affordable, so you might be interested in checking those out as well. 

Swatched!  So I picked up the colours 1 Troubled Peach, 5 Revenge Pink, 10 Heartless Coral and 3 Crime Pink. You can barely see the Top Coat and a stain from an Etude House tint (coming up in a post very soon!) on the right.  As you can see, they've gone for a sort of "Bad Girl" theme when naming their colours, which I think is fun.  I like that even though they have cute names, you still know what kind of colour you can expect.  I can see Revenge Pink getting a lot of use in the coming months.  As I mentioned before, these dry matte and stay put despite plenty of attempts to rub them off.  Hopefully they last well through eating and drinking.  I'll probably do a post at the end of the month just summing up my experience with the products.

The final order from Clio was this adorable, limited edition set of mini Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liners.  As you may know, I'm a big fan of these gel liners, and this is a set of liners inspired by the colour of the year - Orchid.  I really like the little tin that they come in - so cute!!!  I couldn't see them selling them full size, so I'm not sure if they are exclusively sold in this set, or if they do have the full size, and I just can't find them.

The five colours it contains are 
12 Shine Lavender, 13 Frozen Lavender, 14 2014 Orchid, 15 Bloody Purple and 16 Blackish Orchid - again, love the names, and the fact that you can relatively imagine the colours that you're going to get. 

Ooooooooh so pretty!  As you can see, they are some gorgeous colours. Some glitter, some frost, lots of pretty.  My personal favourites are the 2014 Orchid, and 15 Bloody Purple.  I actually like all the "Bloody" colours, they're all super pretty, and great for autumn and winter for some deep burgundy looks.  These glide on really smoothly, no tugging or pulling, and have great pigmentation,  Great lasting power.  I actually took a nap... or rather snooze for a few hours after I took this picture, because I had been up for 12 hours with only 4 hours of sleep the night before.  They were still on my arm, no real smudging evident.  Koreans know how to make some things that really just stick on and don't move.  

This brings us to the end of the Clio goodness.  I am so excited to give these guys a good test run throughout the month.  Definitely recommend trying some of the products from Clio, especially their "point" makeup - they have some beautiful colours.  I'm going to leave some reviews on Gmarket, and will be back soon with more Korean goodness!

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