Wednesday 7 May 2014

Collection: Hello Tony Moly

Hello again.  More goodies today, but before we start, I have to say, I am loving the new stuff that I have bought from Korea.  Some great new products, some fantastic old repurchased products - the skincare is amazing!  Even my mother says she can see the improvement in just a few days!  I actually had a really weird breakout last week and was freaking out like crazy.  All cleared up now, and my skin is feeling good again!  And because the skin is good, the makeup applies so much more nicely.  Yay!  You'll have to wait until June to hear (read?) my thoughts, but there are some magical things that I am really loving - after only 4 days!  Its always exciting when you find great new things.  

Moving along, today's post is about Tony Moly.  Again, in the grand scheme of things, Tony Moly is a relatively new brand to me, but I am really enjoying discovering their products!  The gel eyeliner is fantastic for starters.  And I love the sleeping packs.  I think I enjoy them more than the sheet masks, purely because I can slap them on and fall asleep and not worry about them.  Which is why I picked one up.

From left to right, the Aqua Aura Waterful Mist, the Intense Care Snail Cream and the Aqua Aura Water Bomb Sleeping Pack.  The mist actually came together with the product in the next photo - if your skin is feeling a little dry (air conditioning or the heater can be killer!), you just spritz this over your makeup and lightly pat it in for some moisture.  

The Intense Care Snail Cream is actually a set, containing an eye cream and the facial cream.  I tried the sample set of this, and I quite liked it - but didn't want to get the full set.  Mostly because anything more than 3 steps seems a bit too much for me.  We had an 엄친딸 - mother's friend's daughter - stay with a few years back, and she showed me her skin care routine.  I was in awe.  I am not into putting that much effort into things.  Maybe once a week?  But after work, I just want to take off my makeup and veg out.  This is the cream that I'll use when my current one runs out.

I am really enjoying the Aqua Aura Water Bomb Sleeping mask.  I've used it twice already and I love the feeling that it gives my skin.  My face feels so nice and soft in the mornings.  It feels a bit more youthful, and gradually approaching 3-0... it is a sensation that I want to hold on to.  I will do my basic skin care routine - remove makeup, cleanse, toner, lotion/cream - and then apply some of the sleeping pack.  I use about the same amount as my cream.  You want enough so your face will absorb the moisturising goodness of the pack, but you don't want to be greasy on your pillow.  

This is the product the mist came with - The BCDATION.  Basically, its supposed to be the best of all worlds - BB, CC and Foundation.  Its a new concept, and its going to be interesting to try this out.  So far, I think only Tony Moly has come out with a product like this.  I've only swatched it so far, and the consistency feels a bit more like a BB cream as its thicker than a liquid foundation.  But I like the colour - its quite a good match.  I'll probably test this one out next week - I'm going through a couple other things at the moment.

So the Tony Moly haul was pretty small, but again, I'm really happy with my purchases.  The exciting colour stuff is coming up soon!  Its raining non stop so its a bit hard to get in the mood when I just want to be snuggled up in a nice warm sweater!  But I'll definitely have some more lip product swatches by the weekend!  Stay tuned!

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