Sunday 2 June 2013

Out and About: A Day at Seoul Zoo Part I

I love looking at animals.  The furrier, the better!  Except monkeys and the like... not a big fan of those...

Anyway, I spent a few good hours visiting Seoul Zoo.  Loved it, even though it was around 6 hours of walking around by myself.  That place is ridiculously big.  I wore my normal flats, because no one had warned me how big it is (I think they assume that, because I'm from Australia, I must be used to walking great distances.  Wrong.  Because I'm from Australia, I'm used to taking a car.)  Still, it was manageable, and really fun!  I did make the mistake of wearing a coat.  It was April, and still kind of chilly, but I was so tired lugging the coat around.

To get to the actual zoo part, you need to ride the Elephant Train 코끼리열차.  An adult pass is 1000W - which was less than a dollar!  (Please excuse my nail polish)

The train looks like this.  I don't really see the elephant myself, but I don't really have a good sense of imagination...

One of several souvenir shops.  The zoo is big, but there are lots of rest areas and food/convenience stores.

I got to see lots of animals that I'd never seen in person before!  

아잉!  귀여워!!!

So sweet!

Some sort of weird naked rat


표정 좀 봐!  Look at his expression ㅋㅋㅋ

A cow and his duck.

I don't know why zoos insist on having plastic dinosaur displays.


Familiar faces - you can sometimes find them at the lake down the road from my house. 

My first white swan.  Was not as graceful looking as I hoped it would be.  I don't know what I was thinking. Black swans plod around on land the same.  

The masked chicken

Sleeping seal

Dolphin show!

Unfortunately, the jackasses were unavailable that day.  

That is the happiest sheep I've ever seen in my life.  All the sheep I've seen are either really crowded on a smelly farm, or really crowded on a truck heading overseas for slaughter.


잠꾸러기.  Wherever I go, half the animals are asleep.  He woke up a bit later for feeding time - but that's for another post.

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