Thursday, 17 April 2014

Collection: A Fantasy of Flowers - Just in time for.. Autumn?

 Hello - I'm back sooner than I thought!  I went to work an hour earlier, and finished at 4, and got home by 5.  Dinner for tonight is tacos, and I prepped most of the things last night, so now I'm just waiting for people to come home so they can be fed, I can wash the dishes and then go to bed.  

The Fantasy of Flowers was released about 2-3 weeks ago in Australia.  So pretty!  Even though we are edging our way into autumn (slowly.  Its still around 30 degrees Celsius each day, but the days are getting shorter), I feel that its still sunny enough to get some good wear out of the colours.  I picked up 4 lipsticks, and 2 of the Mineralize blushes.

Left to right: Snapdragon, Heavenly Hybrid, Dreaming Dahlia and Fleur D'Coral

And swatched.  They're all Lustre finishes, and quite sheer, but I don't mind re-applying so that's ok.  For others, it may be an issue.  None the less, very pretty colours!  Dreaming Dahlia and Heavenly Hybrid are my favourites from this collection.

I picked up both blushes - Petal Power and Azalea in the Afternoon.  

So gorgeous - I don't have any blushes like this.  However, they are a bit on the powdery side.  And you really need to use a light hand - I learnt that the hard way.  The pigmentation is really good, and if you're careful, they're both great blushes.

My mother has safely landed in Seoul - I'm so glad she arrived safely.  I believe her first meal was 짜장면.  She has a school reunion on Saturday, so hopefully she'll have lots of fun!  In the meantime, I'll be bringing you some Laura Mercier in my next post!

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