Saturday 9 February 2013

Out & About: Perth Zoo 2013

I haven't been down to Perth Zoo in over a decade (to my recollection!), so when I got my new camera, I decided it was a good excuse to go and have a look.

I went on a really hot day - it was like 37 degrees.  Not the best weather to go out to the zoo, but what the heck.  

First stop was the reptile house - not too fond of snakes, but turtles and some lizards are ok.  This little turtle is so cute!


Such a poser!

This fellow was outside - I didn't realise at the time but he was moulting!  Is that the right term?  Shedding?

Next stop was the penguin pool.  I love penguins, quite high in my favourites list.  But it smelled kind of bad...

These birds live in the enclosure with the penguins - so the enclosure was netted.  I was wondering why penguins needed to kept in a netted enclosure!

Just swimming - these guys probably had it best in that weather.


Peculiar looking bird - he kept flapping his throat.  I didn't really keep track of all the species.  In all the heat, it was hard enough finding the animals, let alone naming them.

I don't know why they had goldfish at the zoo.  I suppose to make up the numbers?

This cage is the 'Birds of the South West' exhibit.

I found the food, but the birds were all hiding.  Not a single one in sight..

Except this bird... who looked like he wanted to go to sleep.

Now for the Australian Icons -

The sleeping wombat.  I thought they would sleep like a cat or a dog, curled up, but I guess their body.. proportions don't allow them that.


Kangaroos ~ they're allowed to roam free in the enclosure and walk up to you... but it was too hot that day.

Far too hot.

Another stilted bird

A quokka with his head in the dirt.  I think Rottnest is a far better place to get up close with a quokka though.

This guy looked so sad!  It was probably the heat.  Later, he had dug a little hole and stuck his head in it.

Can't have Australian animals in an exhibit without the Koala!

Still learning how to use the camera - its been a while since I used an SLR... but we'll get there...

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