Sunday 31 March 2013

Hi Seoul!

Finally arrived on Friday morning... and slept for the rest of the day.  Completely drained.  I did manage to go the local E-mart with my uncle and pick up some basic necessities from Missha, and an adapter so the lugging around of my laptop was not completely in vain.

I got the Super Aqua Marine Stem Cell Set from Missha.  I've used it in Australia, and it works well enough for me.  It will do for the time being.  For spending over 50000W, they gave the red ostrich style makeup bag, as well as the numerous samples that we love to receive.  

On Saturday, I went out with my 이모 for lunch at Lotteria.  불고기버거 is a no.  I hope I never have to eat that ever again.  And the Pepsi tasted sweeter too.  After lunch, I headed out to have catch up with some friends that I hadn't seen in ages, as well as do a bit of shopping. 

First stop for me was the World Cup Station, which is only a few stops away from me.  Its nice that they've utilised the space for regular entertainment as well, otherwise it is kind a waste just having it sit there.  

What I thought was kind of strange was the people from the Phillipines trying to collect donations for charity in their home country.  I had no cash on me at the time, but I was listening to what he had to say (the guy insisted on speaking Korean even though I told him I could speak English).  I couldn't help but think, he could have saved more money by staying in his own country, because all he had collected was maybe $40.  I am a bit wary of donating to such individuals.  I will donate to hospitals and food banks, but I don't know.  Going to a foreign country for donations? I have to question the motive.

I was so happy to see the shop that sells Anime characters was still there after all this time!  I didn't buy anything yesterday, but maybe I'll go back and check it out.

The Stadium also has a Daiso, so I picked up some contact solution for 2000W and my favourite Nivea lotion for 3000W.  It irritated me so much to see those prices.  Why is Perth so expensive???   I had also bought a lip gloss from the Face Shop.  I'm not a huge fan of the packaging, it feels kind of cheap (even for Korean standards), but I like the product itself, and it smells amazing.  Love that candy scent.

I met my friends in Hongdae, and was amazed at the amount of foreigners.  I guess it kind of helps being close to so many universities, so they were probably exchange students, but even then.   No time to take photos, but will definitely go back there and take some then.

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