Sunday 11 May 2014


Hello Everyone!  

I have been giving a lot of thought to my blogging lately, and I haven't been quite that happy with the format of this one.  If you visited sometime in the last 24 hours, I did a lot of fiddling, and was still not happy with it.  
I have thought that maybe its time for a fresh start to things, and I have now opened a new blog which you can find here:

I am only experimenting at this stage, and may end up returning here to continue blogging if it doesn't work out.  I will be leaving the posts up here for the time being, until I make a final decision. I may even revert to using my very old Naver blog, but I will of course provide an update in regards to the platform that I will end up using.  

For now, I hope you will join me at the new site, which will be growing!  I only have a couple of posts up so far, but I will be continuing with the beauty and skin care collections soon.  The rest of my Korean haul will be up soon so that's something to look forward to, as well as some posts in regards to my travels - past and upcoming.    

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