Sunday 11 May 2014


Hello Everyone!  

I have been giving a lot of thought to my blogging lately, and I haven't been quite that happy with the format of this one.  If you visited sometime in the last 24 hours, I did a lot of fiddling, and was still not happy with it.  
I have thought that maybe its time for a fresh start to things, and I have now opened a new blog which you can find here:

I am only experimenting at this stage, and may end up returning here to continue blogging if it doesn't work out.  I will be leaving the posts up here for the time being, until I make a final decision. I may even revert to using my very old Naver blog, but I will of course provide an update in regards to the platform that I will end up using.  

For now, I hope you will join me at the new site, which will be growing!  I only have a couple of posts up so far, but I will be continuing with the beauty and skin care collections soon.  The rest of my Korean haul will be up soon so that's something to look forward to, as well as some posts in regards to my travels - past and upcoming.    

Friday 9 May 2014

Collection: Lotta Love with Missha!

I'm back!  I promised you swatches, and here they are!  Today I bring you some beautiful lip colours from Missha's 2014 Spring/Summer collection - Lotta Love.  Its come out in three colour schemes - Lotta Pink, Lotta Orange and Lotta Coral.  So pretty!  I picked up 5 of the lip products, but unfortunately - the rest were sold out!  I am definitely looking to pick up the rest of the line, because they are just wonderful, and I really like Missha lip colours.  Great pigmentation, and the formulas never dry out my lips.  Shall we get into it?

Let's start with the packaging - its a bit more grown up in comparison to your other road shop brands, isn't it?  A bit more sleek?  I love it.  They've actually changed the packaging up a bit for this collection, but I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing.  Only time will tell.  I picked two of the Signature Glam Art Triple Lips, one Gloss, and two of the lipsticks. 

Unfortunately, I did not swatch in the same order.  I do apologise!  But I'll tell you what is what.
1. Signature Glam Art Rouge in Lotta Pink
2. Signature Glam Art Rouge in Lotta Coral
3. Signature Glam Art Triple Lips in Lotta Pink
4.  Signature Glam Art Triple Lips in Lotta Coral 
5. Signature Glam Art Gloss in Lotta Pink
Aren't they just so pretty?

The gloss is so pretty, and versatile, because I feel that its pigmented enough to wear on its own, but of course will look amazing over another lip product.  I love the Triple Lips, because you can decide if you want to wear it as a stain, lipstick or a gloss, depending on your application.  And the lipsticks colours are just soooooooooo pretty!

I didn't get anything in the Lotta Orange because they had sold out!  But I'm waiting for the re-stock, so I can pick up everything I missed - the colours are just so pretty, and really flattering.  I think its one of the best colour schemes that they've done.  This being said, I also really loved the "Mambo" set that they released last year.  What can I say?  Missha holds a strong place in my heart, as I've been with them for over 10 years.  I remember the first lip product I loved was from them, and the first time I really got into skin care was because of Missha too.  They also led me to believe that all Asian skincare would work for me (not true.  Korean skin care works for me.  Not the others.  Unless the Japanese are selling extra strength skin care in Australia - its far too harsh for me).

I also picked up some skin care products, but I'll leave that for another post - when I start using them.  I don't think it will be helpful to talk about them without really trying them out first.  I did stock up, because I was running low on everything - and treatment essences are vital to my skin care.  I swear they're the reason I have minimal breakouts.  Like the famed SKII, but more affordable!  

Hopefully I can provide another post soon - still have so much to show you!  Have a great weekend, and stay healthy!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Collection: Hello Tony Moly

Hello again.  More goodies today, but before we start, I have to say, I am loving the new stuff that I have bought from Korea.  Some great new products, some fantastic old repurchased products - the skincare is amazing!  Even my mother says she can see the improvement in just a few days!  I actually had a really weird breakout last week and was freaking out like crazy.  All cleared up now, and my skin is feeling good again!  And because the skin is good, the makeup applies so much more nicely.  Yay!  You'll have to wait until June to hear (read?) my thoughts, but there are some magical things that I am really loving - after only 4 days!  Its always exciting when you find great new things.  

Moving along, today's post is about Tony Moly.  Again, in the grand scheme of things, Tony Moly is a relatively new brand to me, but I am really enjoying discovering their products!  The gel eyeliner is fantastic for starters.  And I love the sleeping packs.  I think I enjoy them more than the sheet masks, purely because I can slap them on and fall asleep and not worry about them.  Which is why I picked one up.

From left to right, the Aqua Aura Waterful Mist, the Intense Care Snail Cream and the Aqua Aura Water Bomb Sleeping Pack.  The mist actually came together with the product in the next photo - if your skin is feeling a little dry (air conditioning or the heater can be killer!), you just spritz this over your makeup and lightly pat it in for some moisture.  

The Intense Care Snail Cream is actually a set, containing an eye cream and the facial cream.  I tried the sample set of this, and I quite liked it - but didn't want to get the full set.  Mostly because anything more than 3 steps seems a bit too much for me.  We had an 엄친딸 - mother's friend's daughter - stay with a few years back, and she showed me her skin care routine.  I was in awe.  I am not into putting that much effort into things.  Maybe once a week?  But after work, I just want to take off my makeup and veg out.  This is the cream that I'll use when my current one runs out.

I am really enjoying the Aqua Aura Water Bomb Sleeping mask.  I've used it twice already and I love the feeling that it gives my skin.  My face feels so nice and soft in the mornings.  It feels a bit more youthful, and gradually approaching 3-0... it is a sensation that I want to hold on to.  I will do my basic skin care routine - remove makeup, cleanse, toner, lotion/cream - and then apply some of the sleeping pack.  I use about the same amount as my cream.  You want enough so your face will absorb the moisturising goodness of the pack, but you don't want to be greasy on your pillow.  

This is the product the mist came with - The BCDATION.  Basically, its supposed to be the best of all worlds - BB, CC and Foundation.  Its a new concept, and its going to be interesting to try this out.  So far, I think only Tony Moly has come out with a product like this.  I've only swatched it so far, and the consistency feels a bit more like a BB cream as its thicker than a liquid foundation.  But I like the colour - its quite a good match.  I'll probably test this one out next week - I'm going through a couple other things at the moment.

So the Tony Moly haul was pretty small, but again, I'm really happy with my purchases.  The exciting colour stuff is coming up soon!  Its raining non stop so its a bit hard to get in the mood when I just want to be snuggled up in a nice warm sweater!  But I'll definitely have some more lip product swatches by the weekend!  Stay tuned!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Collection: Banila Co Haulin' with Gmarket

Greetings!  I am back with more good stuff from the mother land and today is going to be about my things from Banila Co.  The face of Banila Co is currently Jessica from Girls Generation, who I think has been there for the past two years?  At any rate, I really like the brand, and again they carry some fantastic products.  I really like them for their makeup base products, and their Radiant Foundation is pretty good too!  I really wish I could have ordered it, but in my efforts to minimise the number of deliveries, the store I had ordered my Banila Co products from did not have any in stock.  But I still have a few samples, and sometimes I just enjoy wearing the CC cream with a translucent powder.  But I really want that foundation.  Banila Beige.  Just wait!

Before we start, look at some of the deluxe sample boxes!  

Each month, some of the road shop brands, in addition to your normal samples, will provide you with a special gift with purchase over certain amounts - usually set at 30000W, 50000W and 80000W, but it can vary.  I like these sets because you can try several of the products in a specific line and see what you like, rather than the usual two - toner and lotion. I think last year when I was actually over there, I got a stuffed cat from Holika Holika, a few pens, a towel, makeup cases... all sorts of things.  Also, if you want more samples, don't shop on their sale days - you will get a discount on their products, but less samples.  Really, sale days don't really affect my purchase habits, unless there are skin care items that I'm after.

This haul isn't too exciting I suppose in comparison to the other products that I've hauled, but I'm pretty excited.  I have the Clean It Zero cleansing balm, two of the Prime Primers in Classic Matte and Classic, and finally, the Prime Primer Finish Powder.  The actual packaging is a bit plain too - but these are such great products, I'm willing to let it slide.

I received a sample of the Cleansing Balm in one of my W2Beauty orders, and I really enjoyed using it.  So much so, that I went ahead and ordered the jumbo 180mL size.  For me, what I use before a cleansing foam really varies on how I feel each day.  Some days I will use an oil, other days a cleansing water, and now I can add a balm to the mix.  It helps that I think it smells nice.  So yes, the product I use prior to cleansing foam will be up to what I feel like doing on the day, and I will use the same foam product until it is empty.  Right now I'm using the Skin Food Aloe Vera Cleansing foam, which I really like.  

I really like the Prime Primers from Banila Co - by far my favourite face primer.  I would say holy grail status.  I've tried both this and the balm type, and I enjoy both.  They just let your makeup wear so nicely, and just provides a great base in general.  It is slightly pricier in comparison to other brands that offer primers, but I honestly think that this is worth your money.  A tiny bit goes a long way and it performs time and time again.  I am excited to try the Matte version, as it may help to control oil even more.

The final product is the Finish Powder.  This is just a loose, translucent powder, but I was interested to see how it would perform, knowing that I already adore the Prime Primer line.  I love my Innisfree powder, but its always good to mix things up from time to time, and I don't want to get too used to a product, as sometimes it feels like its less effective.  And its always good to have options.  Very important!  Diversify your stock... of makeup.

They provided me with over 10 samples of the CC cream, which was kind of disappointing as I already own this from last year.  I mean, I love the product but it would have been nice to try something new.  They'll be distributed to friends.  I believe in sharing the love!  I wish they gave me more foundation samples though.  Oh well.  That brings us to the end of my Banila Co Haul, which was the smallest brand haul, but by no means the least.  I'll back soon with more soon.  Stay tuned!

Collection: CLIO Haul!!!

The long awaited Korean haulage begins!!!  Yay!!!  My mother arrived safely this morning, on time!  Although she took some time through customs because she brought back dried squid 오징어 - so yummy.  And this really amazing tea from Japan that my cousin bought - when you place it in the hot water, it sort of explodes into a flower.  I'll try and film it when we make them.  Its great to have her back.  But we really both want to go back.  Soon.  The photos are making me soooooo homesick!

I thought I'd start with Clio - a brand that is definitely one of my favourites, but doesn't seem to feature much on Youtubers videos.  I guess it can be harder to access than your run-of-the-mill road shop brands, but its not impossible!  There are online stores that carry Clio, and its little sister Peripera, so I highly recommend checking it out!  Their main target is a young woman around her mid-twenties, but of course, any one can use the brand.  However, as they are aiming at a slightly more mature market, the prices are slightly higher.  This being said, I still believe the prices are quite reasonable, especially after living in Australia.  You are definitely getting a quality product here.

I decided to stick with basics here - eyeliners and lipsticks.  I did want to try one of their foundations, but I thought it would be better to wait until the end of the year and have a look at the colours on offer.  Also, I think I have enough as it is.  Besides, we all know that eyeliners and lipsticks (lip products in general) are the things that hold a special place in my heart.  Let's get into it!

Lips galore!  So - here we have 2 of the Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip sticks and some of the Lipnicures - which I have been wanting to try ever since they've come out.  I'm so excited to have these little friends and try them out!

In there unpackaged glory.  Aren't they just adorable?  The Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip usually comes in the black tubes, however I think the white tubes are for the new 2014 S/S colours.  

Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip - on the left, we have 18 Keep Calm and Pink.  On the right, 7 Happening.  I first tried these last year, and I quite like the formula - and there's great pigmentation with this line.  Actually, a lot of the Clio line have amazing pigmentation and lasting power.

And the swatches - aren't they just so pretty?  A really cute pink and a beautiful coral.  I think they are the perfect colours for Spring and Summer... although we are now well on our way to autumn now.  Well.  Still beautiful colours, and if you're in the northern hemisphere, you might be interested in checking these out!  I will still use these, but probably on more sunny days.

The Clio Lipnicures are supposed to be a 'manicure for your lips'.  Its basically a liquid lipstick that dries matte and will not budge.  I tried with the swatches, and it took quite a bit of massaging with a cleansing oil to remove them.  I'm really excited to start giving these guys a test run.  I do think I will need a good lip balm prior to slapping these on, but hopefully they shouldn't be too drying.  For those who prefer a bit of shine, that's what the top coat is for!  A clear gloss to layer over the matte colours, but I guess you could use any clear gloss really.  I got this because there was a deal to get them together.  I think Etude House has come out with a similar concept, and its a bit more affordable, so you might be interested in checking those out as well. 

Swatched!  So I picked up the colours 1 Troubled Peach, 5 Revenge Pink, 10 Heartless Coral and 3 Crime Pink. You can barely see the Top Coat and a stain from an Etude House tint (coming up in a post very soon!) on the right.  As you can see, they've gone for a sort of "Bad Girl" theme when naming their colours, which I think is fun.  I like that even though they have cute names, you still know what kind of colour you can expect.  I can see Revenge Pink getting a lot of use in the coming months.  As I mentioned before, these dry matte and stay put despite plenty of attempts to rub them off.  Hopefully they last well through eating and drinking.  I'll probably do a post at the end of the month just summing up my experience with the products.

The final order from Clio was this adorable, limited edition set of mini Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liners.  As you may know, I'm a big fan of these gel liners, and this is a set of liners inspired by the colour of the year - Orchid.  I really like the little tin that they come in - so cute!!!  I couldn't see them selling them full size, so I'm not sure if they are exclusively sold in this set, or if they do have the full size, and I just can't find them.

The five colours it contains are 
12 Shine Lavender, 13 Frozen Lavender, 14 2014 Orchid, 15 Bloody Purple and 16 Blackish Orchid - again, love the names, and the fact that you can relatively imagine the colours that you're going to get. 

Ooooooooh so pretty!  As you can see, they are some gorgeous colours. Some glitter, some frost, lots of pretty.  My personal favourites are the 2014 Orchid, and 15 Bloody Purple.  I actually like all the "Bloody" colours, they're all super pretty, and great for autumn and winter for some deep burgundy looks.  These glide on really smoothly, no tugging or pulling, and have great pigmentation,  Great lasting power.  I actually took a nap... or rather snooze for a few hours after I took this picture, because I had been up for 12 hours with only 4 hours of sleep the night before.  They were still on my arm, no real smudging evident.  Koreans know how to make some things that really just stick on and don't move.  

This brings us to the end of the Clio goodness.  I am so excited to give these guys a good test run throughout the month.  Definitely recommend trying some of the products from Clio, especially their "point" makeup - they have some beautiful colours.  I'm going to leave some reviews on Gmarket, and will be back soon with more Korean goodness!

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Favourites - April 2014 Short and Sweet

What a month!  Currently enjoying some annual leave time.  Sitting at home, watching tv, cleaning, chilling.... and I've just got my tickets to go to Melbourne!  In less than a month I will be sitting under the Melbourne sky.  Yay!   I also thought I might get into some favourites as it is now May... let's go!

려 Ryeo Shampoo and Conditioner.  Oh my god.  Heaven in a bottle.  I've been using this since I cut my hair, and it has brought so much life back into my locks.  It's amazing.  I picked up this set from the Korean grocery store, after the owner recommended it to me.  Words cannot describe.  I ran out of it and was using the standard western shampoos.  No no no.  It went back to being dry and blah.  The crazy thing is that the only real damage it gets is sun damage, because I usually just let my hair air dry... so why is it so dry?  I even tried some of the "Salon Recommended" shampoos, and honestly - they were absolute rubbish.  This stuff - amazing even after just the first use.  Smooth silky hair - and I think my hair is darker now that its a bit healthier.  Or maybe because its autumn... But I love this shampoo!  I'm just using the shampoo at the moment because the conditioner is out of stock, but even just the shampoo makes SUCH A DIFFERENCE.  I don't think I've been sooooooo excited by a product in a long time.   Just amazing.  I've even converted a friend!  She was also using the salon stuff, but she loved what it had done to my hair, and she loved the sample I had given her.  We're (im)patiently waiting for the next shipment.  

The only thing that may bother some people is the scent - it has a Korean herb-y scent that does fade but if you're sensitive to that sort of thing, you might not like it.  I personally do not mind it, and find it quite soothing

Next up is the Neutral Territory 2 palette from Clinique.  I can't put this one down!  I have been using this almost every day that I'm wearing makeup, and the only thing I feel it is missing for me is a shimmer like Stila's Kitten.  But otherwise, LOVE IT.  If I were to go traveling for a long weekend, I'd probably take this one palette with something like the L'Oreal Infallible shadow in Hourglass Beige.  I really like the shades Hazy and Black Honey - and I am strongly considering buying these as singles.  Maybe when I go to Korea... I like this palette as it stays within the neutral theme without being overly brown.  If you can find it, I highly recommend that you try it out.  Or at least some of the other Clinique shadows.  To be honest, I wasn't overly impressed with the Chubby Sticks, so I never really looked at any of the other make up items from Clinique, but this palette has definitely changed my opinion.

Banila Co Prime Primer - sorry for the stock photo.  I've been using samples of this while I wait for my mother to bring me my things (only a few more days now!).  Banila Co is my favourite for face primers - a little of the product goes a long way, and I've found it better for me than a lot of Western brands.  It just makes my face makeup wear a lot better, and has a little bit of oil control as well.  I've ordered the matte formula as well, so it will be interesting to see how they compare.  It is a silicone-y formula, which I know some people don't like, but I don't mind this one.  I apply to my T-zone beneath my BB Cream or Foundation.  I quite like Banila Co products - when I go home, I'll definitely be checking out more of their products.

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder.  Is this what they call a holy grail product?  Quite possibly.  It looks good over everything!  BB cream, CC cream, foundation and I've been using it with the Clarins Beauty Flash Balm on weekends.  I think its amazing how these Korean companies are coming up with such wonderful products at such affordable prices.  Just simply amazing.  I've almost finished my first little container, and I think I've ordered just enough to tide me over until December.  Hopefully.  

That's it really. I changed the face game around a lot, different BB creams and foundations, and I was trying to wear a different lip colour everyday so there wasn't a particular favourite there.... I bought that many, I'm damn well going to use them!  I can't wait for my mother to come home - I missed her - especially since I've only spoken to her twice.   And I should have some reviews to share!  Stay safe <3

Saturday 26 April 2014

Collection: Online Shopping Haul with Gmarket

So, after over a week of no contact - my mother finally messaged me!  She seems to be having a lot of fun, so that's good.  First and last time.  I probably won't hear from her again until she comes back T_T

She did manage to send me some photos so I could make sure that everything had arrived.  Originally she wanted a list, but that was going to take forever, so this was the easiest way to do things without physically being there.  I thought I would share them with you, so you can feel my excitement and anticipation with me.  I do apologise for the quality of the photos, but they were taken with a phone camera, so... It was still enough for me to check.  As you can tell, I was a bit trigger happy with the mouse when I was on Gmarket.  I've printed my invoice, so I can share with you the prices along with the product names.  Domestic shipping (i.e. within Korea) is free, so you might want to keep that in mind, as well as there was sometimes a discount for some products.

Here we have the:
Innisfree Green Tea Mineral Mist x 2 (150mL) - 11000W
Skin Food Black Sugar Cleansing Oil - 9700W
Skin Food Black Sugar Cleansing Water - 8700W 
Skin Food Lime Secret Shine Pact No 2 Beige Shine - 11000W

(I'm generally No 2 in most Korean products - usually its just a warmer version of No 1, which tends to be pinker but its not necessarily always darker)

This photo has all Innisfree
No Sebum Mineral Powder (x2) - 12000W (6000W each)
No Sebum Mineral Pact (x2) - 20000W (10000W each)
Color Glow Lipstick in Maple Burgundy Pink and Deep Plum Burgundy - 12000W each
No Sebum Mineral Primer - 10000W
No Sebum Mineral BB Cream - 18000W
Mineral Moisture Foundation W1 - 18000W
Smart Foundation Long Lasting No 13 Light Beige - 5500W 
Soybean Energy Essence - 35000W
I didn't order that giant box thing - so I imagine it is a free gift/sample thing?  It says Green Tea Balancing Special Kit.  I can't wait to see it!

Lipnicures in 005 Revenge Pink, 003 Crime Pink, 010 Heartless Coral, 001 Trouble Peach and the Top Coat
These were 16000W each, but the Top Coat was 14000W.  You can get special deals where they can be a bit cheaper, but I wanted to minimise the number of packages so I just bought everything from the same shop.
Virgin Kiss Tinted Lip in 7 Happening and 18 Keep Calm and Pink - 16000W
Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liner Mini - 20000W 
This has 5 minis of the Gelpresso liners in the colour of the year - Orchid.  I'm not sure if they released the full sizes, but I thought it would be a fun way to get some purple into my life.  

Banila Co Prime Primer in Classic - 15300W

Nature Republic!
Super Aqua Max Combination Cream (x2) - 21900W
I really liked this cream - really light but so moisturising.  And it smells amazing. I really missed this scent!
Super Aqua Max Soft Peeling Gel - 8900W 
That strawberry thing is a free gift.  I might give that to a friend because I don't really use sponges, I prefer to use the Korean green sandpaper-esque towel.  Its very stress relieving.

More Nature Republic!
Botanical Pore BB Cream SPF50+ PA+++ No 23 - 8800W
Bee Venom Mist Essence - 15000W 
I really liked this Mist Essence - very soothing and distributes an even amount of product to your face
By Flower Sparkle Shadow SPK105 Burgundy - 4900W
Provence Blossom Gel Eyeliner No 3 Pink - 7000W
Provence Gel Eyeliner No 3 Burgundy - 7000W
Botanical Eco Crayon Lip Rouge No 5 Burgundy Red - 6000W
Glow Lipstick No 8 Burgundy - 12000W
(Can we notice a theme?  I will be rocking the Burgundy again this Autumn/Winter - we had the first rainfall last week, so its coming, slowly but surely!)

Banila Co Prime Primer in Classic Matte - 15300W

Tony Moly Time - Current Models are Victoria from f(x) and Super Junior M - Siwon
Aqua Aura Sleeping Pack - 6860W
Intense Care Snail Cream - 36000W
(I had this in a sample pack and really liked it!)
BCDation with free mist - 18800W 
(This product intrigues me - its supposed to the best parts of BB, CC and foundation...)
The giant pink and purple thing is a free gift.   I have no idea what it is.  Some sort of weird calendar wheel?

Etude House!
Real Art Cleansing Oil - 12800W
This was No 1 on Get It Beauty's Blind Test and they sell in Perth for almost $30... so I've been curious!
Proof 10 Eye Primer x2 - 11000W (5500W each)
Vivid Popstick in No 2 This Love and No 6 Girls on Top - 7500W each
I think its so cute that they're named after songs - Shinhwa and BoA songs respectively.  Other artists featured include Katy Perry and Lady Gaga!
Fresh Cherry Tint in PP501 Lavender - 6000W

Here is the Etude House Dear Girls Oil Control Pact - 8500W
and a few accessories - mainly pencil brushes.  They're the only brushes I really need to do my eye makeup.  

A bit higher end now - Mamonde, Laneige and Iope.  They're not super high end in Korean terms, but they're slightly more expensive than your average road shop brand.  They're a part of the Amore Pacific family.

Mamonde Hand Cream in Pomegranate and Cherry Blossom - 5950W each
Packaging is so cute!
Mamonde Volume Harmony Gradation Eyes - 7500W
Laneige Serum Intense Lipstick in YR24 Twinkle Coral and YR25 Neon Orange - 21250W each
Laneige Water Drop Tint in Peach Coral and Apricot - 18700W each
IOPE Water Fit Lipstick in Sweet Berry - 22950W
천송이 Lipsticks are all the range - I really think its incredible that a drama can cause a product to sell out like these lipsticks.  I did get the Neon Orange, because I like orange, but I opted for a different pink because I didn't think her pink would suit me... and it was sold out.  Its just crazy.

Final Laneige product is the Water Sleeping Pack - 21250W
Then its on to Missha!

Missha's Spring/Summer Collection looked sooooo pretty and comes in three colours - Lotta Pink, Lotta Coral and Lotta Orange.  So gorgeous.  So sold out.  I won't go into them here - there's a few more things that I want to get from this collection first.

Finally we have skin and hair care products from Missha.
Facial Choco Cacao Scrub - 6860W
Procure Intensive Repairing Treatment - 2900W
Procure Silky Coating Essence - 4900W
Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Sleeping Mask - 13860W
Timer Revolution The First Treatment Essence - 29000W
Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence Mist - 10500W

Whew!  Hopefully this will all fit in her luggage!  I'm really excited for my skin care because I am running low and I want to use more sleeping masks!  The effects have been really impressing me. 

I will have my favourites up soon!  I can't believe April is almost over...

Thursday 17 April 2014

Collection: A Fantasy of Flowers - Just in time for.. Autumn?

 Hello - I'm back sooner than I thought!  I went to work an hour earlier, and finished at 4, and got home by 5.  Dinner for tonight is tacos, and I prepped most of the things last night, so now I'm just waiting for people to come home so they can be fed, I can wash the dishes and then go to bed.  

The Fantasy of Flowers was released about 2-3 weeks ago in Australia.  So pretty!  Even though we are edging our way into autumn (slowly.  Its still around 30 degrees Celsius each day, but the days are getting shorter), I feel that its still sunny enough to get some good wear out of the colours.  I picked up 4 lipsticks, and 2 of the Mineralize blushes.

Left to right: Snapdragon, Heavenly Hybrid, Dreaming Dahlia and Fleur D'Coral

And swatched.  They're all Lustre finishes, and quite sheer, but I don't mind re-applying so that's ok.  For others, it may be an issue.  None the less, very pretty colours!  Dreaming Dahlia and Heavenly Hybrid are my favourites from this collection.

I picked up both blushes - Petal Power and Azalea in the Afternoon.  

So gorgeous - I don't have any blushes like this.  However, they are a bit on the powdery side.  And you really need to use a light hand - I learnt that the hard way.  The pigmentation is really good, and if you're careful, they're both great blushes.

My mother has safely landed in Seoul - I'm so glad she arrived safely.  I believe her first meal was 짜장면.  She has a school reunion on Saturday, so hopefully she'll have lots of fun!  In the meantime, I'll be bringing you some Laura Mercier in my next post!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Coming Soon - Collection: A Fantasy of Flowers with MAC

I'm currently at the airport waiting for my mother to clear customs before I head home (she's carrying a looooooooot of stuff!)  So I thought I might upload a sneak peak of the next post.  It probably wont be up until Thursday night / Friday, but I should have a few posts up over the long weekend.  

Sunday 13 April 2014

Pre-Collection: G-Market Hauling

Hello!  Thank god the weekend is upon us!  I did need to go into the office, but I just needed to get out of the office Friday night.  I could not handle being there any longer.  But, I do like to maintain my relationships with my clients, so - I just needed to get things done before they get in on Monday!

My mother is leaving for Seoul this coming Wednesday - I can't believe she's going already!  Where does the time go?  As a result, most of my internet time has been spent browsing G-Market, and ordering many many things.  I thought I would share some of the things that I've decided to repurchase, as well as some things that I'm ordering for the first time and why.  The why is the important part.  Let's start!

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder 6000W.  Of all the powders I've tried, definitely my favourite.  The NARS Translucent Crystal Light Reflecting Pressed Setting Powder (why so long?) is a close second.  The issue.  Innisfree is more affordable, and I think it controls my oil problems the best.  However, its harder to get access.  On the other hand, I can easily find the NARS pressed powder - the convenience of living just 10 minutes away!  However, its pretty pricey.  So, given the opportunity, I am picking up 2 of the Innisfree loose powders, as well as the pressed powder pact.  Hopefully the pressed form will be just as wonderful as the loose version, to take along in my handbag.

Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer 5500W.  The only thing that annoys me about this product is the stupid shape of the bottle.  I would scrape out every last drop if I could.  Unfortunately you can't, but its price is low enough, and I can get enough uses out of it, that I don't really mind.  All the other primers can go away, I only need this one.  I'm currently on my third or fourth one... I can't remember now.  My shadows don't crease at all and they can last 12+ hours.  Definitely holy grail status.

Banila Co Prime Primer in Classic 15300W.  This is my favourite face primer.  I can definitely notice a difference in the way my makeup wears throughout the day with a primer, and this is my favourite.  I'm still using my 3 Concept Eyes primer, but I recently scrounged up some samples of the Banila Co, and I squeezed every last drop into one of those travel containers.  A little bit goes a long way with this product - its a really great make up base.  It is a bit more on the pricy side... but its a great product.  I did want to get the Radient Foundation, but I think I will wait a while.. or just think about it a bit longer!  The great thing about ordering things to Seoul... free delivery and all within a week. 

TonyMoly Aqua Aura Water Bomb Sleeping Pack 6860W.  I've tried a few samples of sleeping packs - and I love them.  You put it on and wake up with the skin of a baby the next day.  Its even more effective I feel on days where I've used my Clarisonic, and all the goodness can really get in there.  With this, I do my usual evening routine - cleansing oil, cleansing foam, then essence/toner but then instead of a lotion/moisturiser, I will put on the sleeping pack. I don't go to bed straight away, because I'll do this after dinner, but each to his own.  The next morning, it will wash off in the shower, and then I'll apply the toner and lotion.  Soft and supple skin is the result.

So these are just a few of the things I've ordered so far.  My mother will be back in May, so I'll have lots of interesting things to show you then!  It will be also good to share you some great products under 10000W to purchase if you're ever in Korea. In the mean time, I have some MAC, Laura Mercier, and a few more things to share - so stay tuned!